樹狀資料 persisted 與 selected樹狀資料在儲存的設計上需要考慮如何取得, 假設有足夠的資源, 可以使用 LDAP, 是我覺得比較輕鬆的解決方案, LDAP 的資料儲存本身就是針對樹狀資料去做設計, 像是公司部門, 分支, 人員組織, etc. 都很適合用 LDAP.Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
Export Oracle all Tables and Columns commentsAlmost all the GUI tools support, that you can execute the query and save it to CSV file.Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
DBeaver switch languageRecently upgrade my DBeaver (a very powerful GUI for the database), but that language setting had been changed… some wording is not…Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021